Jam Elatedly Replicating Intricate Cadences Half-Obediently – from Russo
Jam Elatedly Replicating Intricate Cadences Half-Obediently – from Russo

Jam Elatedly Replicating Intricate Cadences Half-Obediently – from Russo

PAX:Cowbell, Hammer, Jose10k, JV, Steve, Zoolander, Russo

80 degrees or so and humid to begin the morning at Granny’s. YHC was looking for a unique way to remind folks about the beatdown and draw some attention to our mid week AOs as charged by Jose, and in doing so, Zoolander taught me a new word: acrostics. Who knew it was really a word puzzle in which certain letters in words are clues that form another word (e.g. Join Everyone Running In Certain Heat
Outdoors) and not an acrobatic mystic or an acrylic heretic?

Early mumblechatter revolved around dinosaur movies, cars in space, Omaha, sharknados, and JVs drinking habits.

Warmup (all 10-20x IC)
– Sealjacks
– Cherry pickers
– Arm circles
– Imperial walkers
– Air presses

A Shooter favorite, the Walls of Jericho
(7 rounds of seven exercises, followed by a mosey around Granny’s)
– 7 merkins
– 7 squats
– 7 groiners
– 7 crunches
– 7 side squats
– 7 shoulder tap plank jacks
– 7 American hammers

Thang after the Thang (which reminded some of “Never have I ever”, so that’s now back on the rotation for a beatdown)

One round of:
– 7 Peter Parker’s
– 7 Bulgarian split squats
– 7 Durkins
– 7 freak nastys
– 7 step ups
– 7 Urkins
– 7 leg raises
– Calf raises (2 on each step) up the pilot house, with a special guest on Jose’s trip (sorry about that)

– 25 wife pleasers IC
– 20 LMCs IC

COT, Name o Rama, Announcements, and prayer closed us out.

– Hammer is putting together a bible study, check Slack for info and to discuss best time/day.
– Co-Q by pickaxe and chainsaw on Saturday (Luigi’s and Boom ShackaLackas for everyone!)
– Gnarly Nutria is July 20th at 9 – more info to come on Slack

Good times all around, gents, thanks for joining me. SYITG