It’s Too Slippery…that’s what she said – from Fast Tax
It’s Too Slippery…that’s what she said – from Fast Tax

It’s Too Slippery…that’s what she said – from Fast Tax

QIC:Fast Tax
PAX:Bolt, Disclaimer, Fast Tax, Gabrielle, Hand Grenada, Hokie, Mahatma, Rougarou, Rudy, Vagabond, Vanilla

El Diablo – 2/16/22

Given the amount of unflattering commentary aimed in the Q’s direction prior to disclaimer, YHC knew it was going to be a day for penalty burpees. With disclaimer said, we moseyed out of the gate toward the rock pile. After the first stop for penalty burpees (Rudy), YHC called an audible and dispersed the warmups throughout the mosey to the rock pile: Abe Vigodas, mosey, Happy Jacks, punitive burpees (Hokie), mosey, Hairy Rockettes, final mosey to rock pile.

After medium to heavy rock selection, we headed to the football field for the first exercise of the morning and a Fast Tax favorite, Field of Dreams.

FOD: Partner up, PAX 1 begins to traverse the field as follows: lunge with rock to 25yd line, drop rock, do 10 merkins, bear-crawl to 75 yd. line, do 10 Crab Merkins (aka extended wife pleaser merkins, i.e. pushups while holding the crab position), lunge remaining 25 yds and do 50 BBS at goal line, repeat back. Meanwhile, PAX 2 does 15 rows, 15 curls, and 15 O/H press then runs to switch with PAX 1 (without bringing rock) who runs back and does the rows, curls, etc. Cycle repeats until they are back at the starting point.

William Wallace on the tennis courts, previously known as Rock the Court, was the next event, this time without rocks to avoid the wrath of the tennis pros.

WW: Divide into 4 teams, one at each corner. One PAX member from each team runs to the center and performs 10 reps of the first of five selected exercises (Burpees, Crab-Merkins, Plank Jacks, Floyd Mayweathers, and Absolutions) while the rest of the Pax are in a low plank (or other variations of plank). When he returns to his corner and low-planks, the next teammate runs to the center and does 10 of the same exercise. This repeats until all PAX on the team has had a turn, then the cycle repeats for the next exercise, and so on, until all five are complete.

With time to spare, we headed to the playground for the Playground Scramble , another chance for YHC to deny his 50 years by proving he could still act like a child.

The Playground Scramble went something like this: All PAX start in plank while first PAX soldier crawls up the spiraled tubular slide, down the ramp, through the small tunnel, then arm over arm across the monkey bars, across the balance beam, arm over arm across the next two overhead bar things then side scramble across the rock wall, all while not touching the ground. Anyone touching the ground had to do 20 burpees. Next PAX can start up the slide after the PAX ahead of him exits the slide at the top. PAX waiting at the beginning or the end had to do continuous BBS or plank until everyone made it through…at least that was how it was supposed to go.
I think only two or three PAX, including yours truly, actually made it up the slide, the rest complained about it being too slippery [that’s what she said] and that YHC only made it b/c he was scrawny, and other lame excuses… Needless to say, there were a lot of burpees being done.

As the last PAX completed the course, time was running out, so to the rock pile we headed, followed by a quick mosey to the flag for name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and prayer. Coffeteria at PJs followed.

Thanks for the fellowship and the opportunity to lead!