Its all Fun and Games until… – from Rudy
Its all Fun and Games until… – from Rudy

Its all Fun and Games until… – from Rudy

PAX:Copy/Paste, Mallcop, E Major, Professor Smiley, Rudy, Revit, Belloq, Triple Shift, Catfish

Its all Fun and Games until… it stays fun and games?

Today marks the 3rd annual Yippee Bag appearance at Mothership. Specially designed to bring a new round of fun and games, just for War Eagle – who, alas, chose to tend to his flock instead. Priorities, good sir!

But 8 PAX (great to see 2 2.0s with us – E Major and Copy/Paste!) gathered around the flag in the steamy gloom for a disclaimer, and brief description of the Yippee Bag. Catfish needed no explanation, diving right in for a quick “10 Burpees for the Q” card. Fortunately, he graciously split this opening salvo with the Q.

Then we were offto the shade of some big oaks over by the fountain area, where we started with a quick warmup – while waiting for RevIt to drag himself out of his car and arrive. Windmills, SSH, IW, etc..

Then: go into the thorny morass where Vagabond has carefully hidden the world’s most dense rocks. They may look like styrofoam, but they are definitely *NOT*. Grab one and bring it back to the tree. BUT WAIT. “20 Merkins for the Q”. So YHC knocks out 20, while everyone else loiters and watches.

OK, now with the rocks: 10 Overhead at the first oak, 10 Curls at the second oak, 10 Rows at the last oak. Mosey back to the beginning, repeat with 9. then 8. etc. OYO. Go. Worked up quite a sweat with several trips to the Yippee Bag (Dips, a Bear Crawl route, more Merkins and Burpees for the PAX). Mall Cop dove in and pulled out the “You v Q SPrint card”. And YHC kept up his 3 year losing streak with that card. Nice Run MC!

Kept this up until Catfish had finished, and the rest of us called it off then. We’ve got more things to do. Return the rocks, then lets head to the Great Lawn.

But not before Triple pulls (again) a “10 Burpees for the Q” card. He showed less grace than Catfish, as he did NOT offer to split the card.

In the parking lot (couldn’t use the Great Lawn this am…), we lined up for 11s. Derkins on the curb, and Squat Jumps on the far cross walk. Go.

The Yippee Bag then produced its first “Game Time”! I’ll call this one “Cups”. 3 Teams of 3. Red and White cups placed in the middle of the parking lot. 2 teams take their spot, one at each end of the parking lot. The timer is Team #3 running a lap around the lot. The Game: Get more of your opponents cups back to your side. Basically – just keep sprinting back and forth taking and stealing cups. Only rule is you can only carry one cup at a time. That rule seemed to be broken repeatedly. E Major took advantage of loop holes in the rules to block and smack cups from the Qs hands. Well Played. Repeat 3 times, so everyone got a chance to run as a timer.

Back to 11s.

“Game Time” drawn again (YHC had stuffed more Game Time cards into the Yippee Bag for the 2nd half of the workout).

Crab Walk Red Light/Green Light. YHC was the game master. calling out Red Light/Green Light while the PAX crab walked across the lot. Despite his best efforts, YHC could not catch Belloq moving, as Belloq flew across the lot for the victory. Professor Smiley seemed to just enjoy holding his crab walk position at the starting line.

Back to 11s. A quick “You vs Pax 8 8CBB” pitted Catfish against Belloq.
Back to 11s. “BB Sit Ups til the Q can’t” drawn. Go. Q got to 35. Gotta get better at this.

GAME TIME. Duck Duck Goose. Lunch Walking “It” tagging Al Gore-ing PAX around the circle. YHC once again illustrated just how slow he was. But YHC tricked Copy / Paste to ensure he could get one victory lap!

Then back to the flag for some last minute Mary.

Then circle up for COT – several prayers for health, guidance and wisdom in coping with the ongoing challenges that Covid brings, both with respect to Health and with respect to proceeding with returns to normalcy for us and our children.

Thanks for letting me lead!