It Was A Painful Morning – from Fast Tax
It Was A Painful Morning – from Fast Tax

It Was A Painful Morning – from Fast Tax

QIC:Fast Tax
PAX:Almonaster, Boo-Boo, Fast Tax, King Kong, Mahatma, Tax Credit, War Eagle, Willie

Saturday, March 5, 2022
It had been almost a year since YHC Q’d Mothership so I was rather looking forward to it…at least Friday evening. After a long night entertaining the relatives and drinking waaayyyy too much wine, I finally hit the bed sometime around 1 or 2am. Needless to say, when the alarm went off at 6:00, I knew it was going to be a very painful morning. Nevertheless, Tax Credit and I managed to get there just in time.

After disclaimer was given, 8 Pax moseyed to the parking lot for some warmups consisting of SSH, Abe Vigodas, Nancy Kerrigans, and Hairy Rockettes. YHC’s inability to do the left side of the Nancy Kerrigans did not escape the attention/commentary of those in attendance…

Unwilling to jump right into the highly anticipated main event, YHC kicked things off with 50 ish yards of Welsh Dragons.
Welsh Dragons: While remaining in plank position, PAX bear crawls forward 5 yds, does 1 merkin, 1 plank jack, and tap the BACK of each shoulder 1 time. Repeat adding 1 rep to each exercise each 5 yds – bear crawl forward 5 yds, do 2 merkins, 2 plank jacks, 2 sets of back of shoulder taps… etc. We continued until we got to 10 reps each (I think), holding plank for rest of PAX to finish.

Next bit of fun was the Indian Crab Walk Snake with a crabby wife pleaser twist at the end.
Indian Crab Walk Snake: While lined up on your six doing LBCs, the guy in the back crabwalks to the front, weaving in and out of the PAX as he makes his way to the front where he performs two crabby wife pleaser merkins. As each PAX makes it to the front, the guy in back starts, at least in theory…It seems this proved too difficult b/c when YHC got to the front and looked back, there were at least three crabs heading his way.

With time to spare, YHC thought Indian Rabbit Hop , sure, why not…
Indian Rabbit Hop: PAX lines up, face down in plank position, all facing left with 2-3 feet between PAX. Last man broad-jumps over the planking PAX to the head of the line, Indian Run style. We continued cycling through until Q said stop.
After retrieving his balls and cones, and dishing out a few penalty burpees, we headed to the Great Lawn for BATTLE FRISBURPEE.
After a quick recap of the rules for PAX in attendance, we divvied up into teams and began to battle.

Team 1 (black shirts): Almonaster, Tax Credit, Willie, War Eagle
Team 2 (non-black shirts): Boo-Boo, Fast Tax, King-Kong, Mahatma

The battle was hard fought and close…ish. Several PAX took advantage of the “last one touched” rule to strategically hit members of the opposing team that guarded too closely (mostly YHC), forcing them to stop and do 3 burpees. Almonaster learned (repeatedly) that you can be hit by the Baller even if you aren’t holding the Frisbee. Meanwhile, more than once, War Eagle’s demonstration of full-contact Frisburpee in a prior game was revisited on him and his teammates.

Even though YHC’s referee skills maintained a fair and level playing field, Team 2’s victory was decisive with a final score of 6 to 2.

With game over we headed to COT for name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and prayer.
Breakfast at Café Navarre followed for most.

Thanks for the fellowship!