After our AO did IronPax, it was a bit of relief to go back to our usual pace of workouts. (;
We started the beat down with a warmup:
15x Jumping Jacks
7x Cherry Pickers
7x Windmills
10x Sun Gods (each arm)
7x Merkins
7x Squats
Then we mosey-ed to the amphitheater.
At the top of the stairs, we began 11s to the bottom of the stairs.
Burpees starting at 1 at the top of the stairs.
Bobby Hurleys at the bottom of the stairs.
After a good 15 min of that, we turned to our usual figure 8 workout. We would go down a set of stairs and up the other. At the top of every stairs, we did a set of exercises.
Bonny Blaires
Ab X-tensions
Starting at 15 per set, then going to 10, and finally w/ 5 per.
Finally, we mosey-ed over to the light poles and did a quick final workout of station work. Each light pole was a station, starting a 1 per set and moving to only 4 per set.
Bobby Hurleys
Hello Dollies
Bonny Blaires
Pike Ups
After that set, we ran back to the start and did a set of ab workouts.
We ended with the usual close out, sending us off with a prayer to make a difference in lives of those around us.
Looking forward to next time!