Iron Pax Week 0 at the Knoll
IIrroonn PPaaxx WWeeeekk 00 aatt tthhee KKnnoollll

Iron Pax Week 0 at the Knoll

PAX:Shangeaux, Worms, Twinkletoes, Cat5

Discharged disclaimer and other niceties at the Flag and moseyed to Sundial for Warm A Rama

  • 15 SSH
  • 15 Hairy Rockettes
  • 16 Arm Circles
  • 15 Wind Mills

The Thang Moseyed through ankle deep mud to rugby pitch to perform practice Iron Pax (With deep appreciation to Hawgcycle for explaining concept of elapsed time)

Six Reps of :

  • 24 Air Squats
  • 24 Merkins
  • 24 Walking Lunges
  • 400 Meter Run

Twinkletoes and Shangeaux led the way with the rest of us getting lapped by the 4th grade track team using the track. Times were respectable in the 30-40 minute range. Twinketoes may have been sub 30, but I was too far back to know.

After many comments on how hard it was and much begging for water, transport by ambulance back to Flag muster point for COT followed by search for Twinletoes glasses.