Introducing the New Sweetheart  – from Fracsac
Introducing the New Sweetheart – from Fracsac

Introducing the New Sweetheart – from Fracsac

PAX:Catfish, Fracsac, Triple Shift, Vagabond, Wapner

YHC pulled up to the Renaissance AO 4 minutes early and found Wapner to be the lonely Pax, but now we were 2! The flag was planted, a disclaimer given, and face the bacon for the warmup. 2 more pax filtered in during the warmup.

With 4 of us, YHC grabbed the 60 lb sandbag known as Sweetness plus a new toy….a 53 lb sand kettlebell! Partner up for Dora 1..2..3.

100 burpees
200 Big Boi Sit-ups
300 Squats

Partner 2 grabs one of the ladies and goes one quarter way around NOMA and back.
During this evolution Pax #5 showed up and got in on the action.

Burpees x10 (timer)
Sandbag Cleans with Sweetness (AMRAP)
Jump rope (AMRAP)
Kettlebell swings (AMRAP)
Step ups (AMRAP)

Sunday Mornings with 3 minutes to go!


Great start to the week!