In the morning when you rise unwillingly, let this thought be present- I am rising to the work of a human being. Why then am I dissatisfied if I am going to do the things for which I exist and for which I was brought into the world? Or have I been made for this, to lie in the bed-clothes and keep myself warm? – The Meditations, Marcus Aurelius, Book 5.
This pretty much summed up my feelings on getting out of bed this morning, and also serves as a constant reminder as to why to do so on a regular basis. After all, was I put here to sleep?
After having an appropriate amount of fun at the game yesterday but having fallen victim to the bartender several times making my drinks a bit too strong, I was a little fuzzy, hence the counting.
SSHx20; Peter Parkerx14; Imperial Walkersx20; Grass Grabbersx14; Arm, Circlesx20; Windmillsx14 … or something like that.
The rules: We are all happy that our Saints vanquished Philly and some of its loud obnoxious fans (F3 brotherhood excluded, of course) from the Crescent City. During the workout, if someone gets a little excited about the Saints and wants to let everyone know how much they love their Saints, they are encouraged to yell out “WHO DAT”, at which point the PAX, regardless of whether they are carrying a rock (or boulder, like Triple Shift), will drop what they are doing – not on Hawg’s bare feet – and do 6 burpees to celebrate the margin of victory. All PAX are encouraged to support the Saints in this fashion throughout the workout whenever they feel it’s appropriate.
First St[WHO DAT!]ation:
And we were off. An unexpected but enjoyable part of the workout was the regular cheers of Who Dat! while I attempted to explain the next station. Well done.
Traverse the field, stopping at each tree to remember one of the Saints’ notable vanquished foes as follows. Bring your rock:
5 burpees for the Buccaneers; 10 curls for Carolina; 15 second count Al Gore for Atlanta; 20 Merkins for Minnesota; 25 Rows for the Rams; 30 Elf on the shelves for the Eagles. People’s chair /plank for 6, and then head back doing the same thing swapping out the Curls and Elves on the shelf due to some mumble chatter.
Second Station
Finish the job, like the Saints finished off the Eagles in the playoffs after beating them during the season as well.
11’s. Deadlift on one side, run 5 trees with the rock, and complete the movement with a clean and press.
Some quick abs, American Hammers w/ rockx10, Dying cockroachesx20 and lbc’sx20 oyo and Mosey quickly to flag to arrive right at 6:15.
We prayed for Terrabyte and Mathlete and their family, Brad Brechtel, and several other F3 brothers and friends of F3 brothers.
Total Who Dat Count: At least 10
Honored to lead this group. T-claps to all for all the Who Dats and Triple Shift for regularly choosing the meteor that hit Arizona for his rock and refusing to quit.
Thanks for letting me Q. – Kuch