

PAX:BrushBurn, G Spot, Nip Tuck, King Kong, Angie's List, Reluctant Yankee, Tube Steak, Gabrielle, Saban, Bartman, Bones, Willy, Organ Grinder, Squeal,Brown Bag, Peppa, Chowdha, Sand Bar, Tinkles, Quarter Pipe

The rule of thumb is “Plan for the expected. Prepare for the unexpected!” Seems the unexpected has besieged us more than our traditional morning strolls in the park. Today was one more of those days. Q was unconfirmed and a no show, so YHS, picked up the shovel and dug ourselves into a hole.

Quick mosey into a warm up, SSH (do we know anything else), Imperial Walker Squats (it had been a while), Arm Circles Seamen Style, 10 Burpees OYO as King Kong counted arm circle in an offensive matter. Quick survey of those registered for Iron Pax Challenge, all but Nip Tuck have registered. So for Nip Tuck 10 more Burpees OYO. Back to the track and mosey.

At the Row Bars we broke into 5 groups of 5. The count was 10 Peter Parkers with an Merican in between each knee to elbow, 2 was 1. Meanwhile a group did squats, lunges, rows, and russian twist.

We continued to mosey, on ways for a ring of fire. Did Mericans in sets of 10, setting it around the circle in both directions from YHS.

Back to the track with alternating Sprint and Mosey between the running men to the fountain. As YHS was gimping along, requested the fastest of the pride come sweep up the six. Around the fountain we gathered for some One leg and Opposite Leg step ups, Dips, and Declined Mericans x10 w/ Shoulder Taps 2 is 1 x10.

Back to the to Sprint and Mosey to the Mary Green as before. Hello Dolly, Rosalita, Box Cutters, J-Lo / Pickle Pounder, and Doctor W (Jingle Vader your presence was needed).

We attempted an Indian Run to the pull up bars. In the process we ran down two group of ladies running. It is never our intention but I have been told we can be like fat people on a SouthWest flight. Where the fat bodies sit in a row, lift the middle arm rest up and dare you to sit next to them. When we are doing 2 lines of IR we need remember to share the track. In this instance we did a poor job of sharing. The first duo completely freaked out almost began to cower swallowed by the passing pax , the second group of 4 or 5 also freaked but joined in liked the idea of an Indian run.

Wanted another pearl but we were running out of time so proceeded to the flag and COT.

The work out blew! Not original! Not Exciting! But we got it done. We were prepared because we planned pushed ourselves previously in the gloom. As you prepare for your next Q, next Sad Clown meeting, next lunch, I challenge you to ask yourself what could go wrong and make your plan for what you will do. The situation will make you a HIM!

BrushBurn, G Spot, Nip Tuck, King Kong, Angie’s List, Reluctant Yankee, Tube Steak, Gabrielle, Saban, Bartman, Bones, Willy, Organ Grinder, Squeal,Brown Bag, Peppa, Chowdha, Sand Bar, Tinkles, Quarter Pipe