I Will Survive – from Paradox
I Will Survive – from Paradox

I Will Survive – from Paradox

PAX:Goose, Coyote, Perclelator, Pope, Enron, Wet Tap, Tighty Whitey, Pledge

9 PAX met up at the airport of Peltier park to depart on an Alaskan moose hunt. Things started off safe enough with some casual warmup by the ball field: SSH, IW, WM, AC, cherry pickers, grass grabbers, high knees, butt kicks.
We boarded our small engine plane and headed for the monkey bars. After a short layover to pick up Tighty Whitey (the red truck signals we are exactly 5 minutes into a beatdown) we settled in a for a nap with dreams of moose steaks dancing in our heads. That’s when all hell broke loose…

Your pilot had a massive MI and you have crash landed in a ravine in the middle of northern Canada. You find your friend hanging on a limb over the ravine and you must run back to the plane for supplies.
Round1 : Partner 1 dead hang on monkey bars, Partner 2 sprint to thunder dome, 5 merkins, sprint back Flapjack
(*Considering these dead hangs step 1/600 on our murph training journey)
Once out of the ravine you come face to face with a pacific northwest rattlesnake and must wait while your partner runs through the jungle to get a machete.
Round2: Partner 1 hold plank, Partner 2 10 jump squats traverse monkey bars, 10 jump squats
Your adrenaline is now torched so you stop by a stream for a sip of water andddd…..immediate dysentery. Your partner must go in search for the largest and softest leaf he can find. (shout out to Oregon Trail)
Round 3: Partner 1 hold Al Gore, Partner 2 run to thunder dome for 10 freak nasties run back.

After recovering from dysentery you bump into a hive of Killer Bs (Canadian bees are different, its science)
Canadian Killer B’s equal 5 Burpees, 5 BBSU, 5 Bonnie Blairs (2 is 1)
During the duration of the song “I will survive” Gloria Gaynor

All of this Killer bee commotion caught the attention of a grizzly bear and now the chase is on.
Cones in Triangle formation at the Chimney
Sprint to chimney, Nur to next cone. Bear Crawl back while Partner does R1 hillbilles, R2 MNC, R3 LBCs
Several PAX wanted it known for the record that they would just take their chances with the bear instead of sprinting.

You have successfully evaded the bear but your partner twisted his ankle and you need to get to the chopper evac zone.
10 cones 10 yards apart
Partner drag to cone. 5 power merkins, swap partner drag

Care package Drop
Another few miles and we’ll be home free.
Indian Run, Last man drops off for 5 BBSU (care package) then catch up to front

While waiting on the chopper you and your partner decided to try out ice fishing and your partner fell in the lake. You have 5 minutes till the chopper arrives but you have to keep his heart rate up….

Destinys Child- Survivor- SSH with Burpees on the word survivor. Finished very strong with the last 30 seconds of holding plank and merkins on the word survivor.

Took the rescue chopper back to the Flag for some Mary: dolphin hops, BBSU, LBCS, penguins, Aus sweat angels, scuba steve. ALL IC X15-20

Announcements: Continued preparations for our fundraiser the St. Vincent 500.
Mudgear pre order coming soon.

COT and Wet Tap prayed us out.

I loved every minute of creating this one fellas. The effort for the JBL sponsored Survivor finisher was phenomenal. Congratulations! You all passed the Paradox survival camp and made it home to your families.

Thanks for the opportunity to create and lead
Till the next gloom