I see a Bad Moon a rising! – from Bieber
I see a Bad Moon a rising! – from Bieber

I see a Bad Moon a rising! – from Bieber

PAX:Bad Moon, Mariah, Mulligan

Four Pax embraced the final gloom of 2020 for a jaunt through the French Quarter. @Bad Moon joined us for the first time at this AO, and we launched into a 5.5 mile trek at sub 8 minute pace.
The cool fog rolled off the river, and the usual suspects greeted us along the way. This run always goes by so quickly…so much to see.
Thank you for the opportunity to lead.
I hope 2021 helps me set my roots further with F3 and provides ample inspiration to continue striving to be the best version of myself. Wishing us all a great 2021.