Hold on to the Rails – from Akbar
Hold on to the Rails – from Akbar

Hold on to the Rails – from Akbar

PAX:Akbar, Jose10k, The Hammer, Waterpik

4 strong at the Marsh on a perfect day to get some mileage in for RCR. Expected the Whacker to show after an inquiry on mileage for the Marsh late Sunday, but maybe 1-2 miles wasn’t enough.

Arriving to the familiar scene of mumblechatter and Jose 10k getting in is pre mile run. Conversations early regarding the Nightmare after Christmas and Burpee form + Steve’s game show beatdown Saturday.

Usual warm up and we took the long route down to the Lakefront, to Rips, and back up Marigny.

Marsh to Lakefront, stopping at each block for Merkins and Superman’s x 10. Head towards Rips stopping at light poles for 50 SSH, LBC’s, and Mountain Climbers.

7’s starting on the wall with Freak Nasties and a run across the street to Rips for Squats on the other side, then run Rips stairs on the return, throwing in a couple of sets of Bulgarians.

Mid way through the owner of Rips showed up asking us to please make sure we use the handrails so he doesn’t get sued.

Back up Marigny to home base stopping at each block for 1 set of 10 IC abs, then stopping by the pull up bars for 3 sets of 10 pull ups and 10 abs of choice.

Center court for the abs finisher of Rosalita and Crunchy Frogs. Count, Name, and Waterpik prayed us out.

Announcements: Krazy Ivan is this month, most likely on a weekday.

Thanks for the post! SYITG – Akbar