Hoke no like Cinder Block. Hoke Smash.
Hoke no like Cinder Block. Hoke Smash.

Hoke no like Cinder Block. Hoke Smash.

PAX:Hokie Pokey, Pai Gow, High Rise, Ya Mom'n Dem, Half Nelson, Nip/Tuck, Bones, Jingle Vader, Mahatma, Boo Boo, Darkwing Duck, FracSac

On a warm, muggy morning that serves as a reminder of what’s to come in the next few months, 13 PAX (a Popeye’s record) gathered for YHC’s Q, motivated only by getting better and not missing YHC’s Q…. and maybe because Popeye’s was the ISI point today. Perhaps they knew there would be smashing involved.

Brief mosey to one of the workout areas with some high knees and butt kicks along the way, followed by a fast-paced warm-up of the following:

  • Imperial Squat Walkers x10
  • SSXx20
  • Arm Circlesx20
  • Parker Peterx20
  • Self love

The workout

8 stations using Tabata as a timer (20 seconds on, 10 seconds to rotate)

  • Turkish Get Up’s w/ 10lb Kb (became sweat angels when we “ran out of” a cinder block)
  • Jumping rope (with 2 recently purchased speed ropes, neither of which withstood the workout. This eventually became Rocky Balboas)
  • Pull-ups/hang from pull-up bar
  • Burpees (of course)
  • 8 count bodybuilders (right after burpees because why not?)
  • Dips
  • Jump Squats (side note: while on vacation recently, I attended a yoga class that took place on a raft in the pool. One exercise was jump squats, and let’s just say the instructor’s form was a bit better than mine. He would squat down, jump up, turn 180 degrees in the air, and would drop back into a squat as he landed. This resulted in YHC falling off the raft several times, but being convinced this was the right way to do a jump squat. YHC encouraged everyone to try it this way today.)
  • Curl and press with cinder blocks.

A couple rounds in, and we were all feeling it, some more than others. And by some, I mean Hokie Pokey, who opted for a demonstration of strength during this exercise. And by demonstration, I mean he smashed the cinder block at his feet, and then stood over it like a DB who had just leveled a receiver coming across the middle. We all applauded this feat of strength, made certain modifications and mental notes, and moved on.

All in all, I think we got 5 rounds of this Tabata circuit in. For the first 3, we listed to Rage Against the Machine songs, but YHC made the mistake of throwing out a couple song choices to the Pax. Thus, our final round was done to “Video Killed the Radio Star”, compliments of Frac Sac. Thanks?

We moseyed back to the flag, down a coupon, for some stretching led by Mahatama, and then a bit of planking. We gave thanks for the day, and remembered to appreciate even the hot, muggy days.

Thanks to our Uptowners, Nip Tuck, Bones and JV who hopped on their flights this morning and made it all the way out to Lafreniere. And thanks for letting me lead. – Kuch