High chance of humidity
High chance of humidity

High chance of humidity

QIC:Jingle Vader
PAX:Amnesty, Dead Pet (FNG), Jingle Vader (Q), Marlin, Rigs, Tool, Walleye

It was thundering when YHC woke up.  Should he fartsack or go out?  Red pill, blue pill?  A little rain never hurt nobody.  Up and at ’em, it is.  When YHC arrived, two guys were in the gloom in front of the fence: an FNG and his dad, Rigs, a buddy of El Guapo.  Then Walleye, then Tool and Amnesty, and finally, with a coffee cup in his mouth, in bikes Marlin.  YHC gives a real disclaimer (first in probably two years), and the PAX is off for The Thang.

Warm-Up COP:

  • Imperial Walkers 31xIC
  • Squats 31xIC
  • SSHs 31xIC
  • Mountain Climbers 31xIC

The PAX selects their favorite rocks (YHC got one that Triple Shift marked as weighing 30 lbs) for another COP:

  • Shoulder press, curl, dead lift, squat and then (cuz the ground was wet) bench press, each 20xIC
  • Rinse and repeat for 16xIC, then 12xIC, then 8xIC and finally 4xIC.

Lunge walk half away across the field to a line of trees, and then lunge watch to the far side of the field to the edge of the parking lot for some Mericana on the parking pumpers: regular merkins 10xIC, diamond merkins 10xIC and wide merkins 10xIC.

Mosey back towards the rock pile for a Circle of Mary:

  • LBCs 25xIC
  • Flutter Kicks 25xIC
  • Penguins 25xIC
  • Box Cutters 25xIC
  • Wife Pleasers (for our FNG) 25xIC

Finish off with ten burpees OYO, then return rocks and mosey back to the virtual flag for Countoff, Name-o-Rama (where the PAX after much deliberation named the FNG, who’s a senior at LSU and wants to go to vet school and is the son of Rigs, Dead Pets), and Circle of Trust.

Peace, Jingle Vader