Heavy Stations with Burpees  – from Fracsac
Heavy Stations with Burpees – from Fracsac

Heavy Stations with Burpees – from Fracsac

PAX:Catfish, Fracsac, Heisenberg, Triple Shift, Vagabond

YHC arrived at the Renaissance to find Vagabond completing his community service by picking up trash left on the steps of NOMA. With battle gear offloaded at the fountain, it looked like it would be 2 at the Reni, until 3 other pax came in hot. It was a solid beat down festival!

Disclaimer given, then mosey to the NOMA steps to face the bacon.

Warmup was typical. Moroccan Night Club dancing made the bacon sizzle!

The Thang

Mosey towards the big lake track for 5 minutes EMOM x 10 burpees.

Mosey back to the fountain to put the battle gear to use. 5 stations:
1 – Coupon triceps
2 – Coupon Squarls
3 – Burpees
4 – jump rope
5 – Ruck sack or Sweetness Run to bridge and back (timer)
Rinse and Repeat

Finished off with Sunday mornings in the back of NOMA.