Happy Thanksgiving Eve: You have to bring a side to dinner y’all – from Jose10k
Happy Thanksgiving Eve: You have to bring a side to dinner y’all – from Jose10k

Happy Thanksgiving Eve: You have to bring a side to dinner y’all – from Jose10k

PAX:Barely Legal, Darkwing Duck, Jose10k, Mobydick, Shooter, DrillBit

Enjoying my week off of teaching, Qing my 3rd straight beatdown, happy to finally workout at the Gipper. The weather: somewhat cool, foggy, but a calm morning.
Warm-up: The usual morning stretches to get everyone ready to workout.
The thang: It’s Thanksgiving, and when you arrive to the dinner, you have to bring something with you, right? The best thing we can bring at the Gipper, a coupon. We each picked up a coupon. We did 10 kettle bell swings, 10 squats, and 10 merkins on your coupon. Rifle carry for 1/2 a block, repeat the exercises. Two blocks down, one block up, two blocks back.
Return the coupon, circle up for some Mary.
10 minutes of core with a Jose special: wife pleasers with extra pulses in the middle.
COT with Shooter praying us out. Thank you for DrillBit for posting from Kady, Texas. Safe travels for all. I will see some of yall at the scramble tomorrow, I will see some of y’all at the turkey trot tomorrow. Everyone be safe, and have a happy Thankgiving. Tell everyone in your family how thankful you are to have them. I know how thankful I am for each of my F3 brothers.