Happy Birthday to Rudy – from Fracsac
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Happy Birthday to Rudy – from Fracsac

PAX:Boo-Boo, Fracsac, Hand Grenada, Baloo

4 High Impact Men gathered at El Diablo for a beat down led by none other than YHC. Rudy was scheduled as it was his birthday, but he and 11 other HIMs are heady to the Pacific Northwest today for the Hood to the Coast run. T-Claps!
Anyhow, YHC took the Q and recognized Rudy’s 54th year on the Big Ball with every 5 minutes complete 4 burpees, no matter what.

Boo Boo , Hand Grenada, and Baloo joined YHC to get things done! The Shovel flag and yard sign were planted, the disclaimer was given.


SSH IC x 20
Grass Grabbers IC x 10
Abe Vigodas IC x 10
Arm circles IC x 15 fwd
Arm circles IC x 15 back
MNC IC x 15

There were 4 burpees in there somewhere

Dirty Mac Deuce:

4 rounds of 3 x 12 rep exercises IC, an arm, a leg and a core. Run a lap on the track after each round.

Round 1
Merkins (2 count), Big boi sit-ups, squats
Round 2
Shoulder taps, Hello Dolly, Lunges
Round 3
Merkins (4 count), tin snips, side lunges
Round 4
Catalina wine mixers (6 count), Flutter kicks, low slow squats

There were burpees sprinkled all over the DMD! Good Times!

Cones were set up to use the short length of the field.
5 x 8 ct BB on one end, bear crawl to middle, complete 50 LBC, lunge walk to other end.
Bear crawl to middle, 50 LBC, lunge walk to other end.
Rinse and repeat with burpees sprinkled in every 5 minutes. We got through nearly twice.



– No EMOM today, the pax seemed disappointed
– It was great to see Baloo again! Keep coming back brother!
– I felt I had a good variety today, probably one of the best Qs ever. Boo Boo said he’s going to talk his family into naming a future grandchild after me, it was that great!

Thanks for posting with me! I love you guys!