Guys it’s just 2 mins! – from Shooter
Guys it’s just 2 mins! – from Shooter

Guys it’s just 2 mins! – from Shooter

PAX:Akbar, Steve, Waterpik, Junior Varsity JV

After a brief warmup of 12IC Imperial walkers, Toe Touches, ABE Vogadas, Arm circles and self love plus a mosey to Woodlake school YHC explained what the PAX would be completing this Gloom.. We would start off the week at the Marsh with a simple beatdown of 2 min intervals consisting of 5 different movements with mosey in between each of about .3 miles totaling close to 2 miles on the morning.. Exercises included pull-ups, Irkins, Freak Nasties, plate swings and jump rope.. Each PAX simply completed 2 mins of work followed by our mosey until each completed the 5 exercises.. Modification was of course necessary, as 2 mins of continuous motion is certainly more difficult with 💯 humidity but even if not I would challenge any out there to pick any of the mentioned above and challenge yourself to see where you stand within your 2 mins… When all was completed we circled up with a minute to spare for a plank hold..

Countoff, namorama, COT

Thanks to Steve for taking us out and until the next Gloom 👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼!!