Grow Ruck Preparation
Grow Ruck Preparation

Grow Ruck Preparation

QIC:Triple Shift

Two men put their DownPainment this morning in preparation for the June 10/11 Grow Ruck.  Both of wanted to Fartsack but the accountability of each other showing up pushed us to get up instead of hitting the snooze button.  After getting to our designated meeting point for 5:30 am, there were some other men that I didn’t recognize.  Maybe they were planning on training as well….not.  It was quite obvious that they didn’t get up to Ruck with us but stayed up the entire night doing their thing…whatever that was.  When Fracsac pulled up a few minutes later, they left the scene not wanting to be embarrassed by our commitment to be sharpened.

After we loaded our packs we headed West on the Lakefront to take in the scenery of the boat houses, Southern Yacht Club and the Penisula.  After we ran out of real estate, we headed East to see all the armoring that the Corps of Engineers was doing to the space between the road and the lake up to the Bayou St. John outlet.  We had a great F2 and covered 8 miles in 2 hours and 10 minutes.

Countoff, Namerama and a prayer of peace, perseverance, and understanding for people dealing with Cancer and the loss of loved ones.