Got a Fever and only Prescriptions is more keetlebells – from Mr Rodgers
Got a Fever and only Prescriptions is more keetlebells – from Mr Rodgers

Got a Fever and only Prescriptions is more keetlebells – from Mr Rodgers

QIC:Mr Rodgers

At 6.20 a.m. when in route to the mothership, I took a quick glance at who was to q. It was empty, so I decided to step up. In concert with our weekly topic of got to have more cowbells, we replaced the cowbell with a fevered prescription for more kettlebells. Triple Shift stated, I have kettlebells in my van. I said, bring them on, and the pax took off. We were in route to the baby foundry and decided to stop off and get in a circle and do a 15-minute EMOM with nothing but kettlebells. Not knowing what left to do, Triple Shift was itching to throw in his take on the kettlebells. Since he brought the kettlebells, I passed the torch to Triple, who led the next three exercises. Anxious to take back reins , Kennebra stepped in, grabbed a couple of exercises, and Bogie was quick to take it away. All in all, it was a great workout on the fly with nine pax at the mothership. Happy to lead these men, but I need to be better at sticking with my conviction and not with the consensus of relinquishing control.