Go West–ward Ho, Young Man – from Bolt
Go West–ward Ho, Young Man – from Bolt

Go West–ward Ho, Young Man – from Bolt

PAX:FNG Flava Flav, Gabby, Hokie, TripleShift, Kenna Brah, Bolt

Among a sea of bucket trucks 5 F3 pax welcomed FNG, Flav-A-flav, in true NOLA style with representation from Uptown, Lakeview, KennA, and the Ridge

Warmup IC: SSH (32), Abe SLOWgodas, arm circles forward/back, tclaps, overhead claps, self love (all 20x); Toy soldiers, (15x)

The thang—DORA: merkins, squats, plank jump (bear crawl out/crab walk back for switch)

What’s the reward for finishing DORA, waiting on the six you ask: plank and wait?SSH? Recover? NONSENSE! Take a 20 count and let the deca die of pain dictate your fate. YHC was the six so I’m unable to chronicle the exact exercise sequences of the almighty die and I can confirm there were considerable muffled groans and calls for re-rolls due to the same misery coming up twice and probably some numeric modifications. I’ll consult with the deca die to confirm.

Finish with Mary: dying cockroaches, LBCs, penguins on YHC’s count which was basically following versus of Zac Brown’s “Toes” rather than an actual number and I’m unsure the Pax caught on although I knew they knew something was up when their rep count kept jumping up by doubles, triples, tens, etc. Close out with stretching for those of us getting back into the swing post-pandurrication and coming off injuries. Close out with COT…until next time.