Go Fish
Go Fish

Go Fish

YHC arrived to the AO a few minutes early to set out some cones, but the rain poured from above, which drew the 4 Pax to the dry entrance of NOMA. At 0630 the disclaimer was issued and we ventured out to test one of the Core Principles, held outdoors rain or shine.
SSH IC x 31, Grass Grabbers IC x 10, Abe Vigodas IC x 10, IW IC x 15, AC IC x 20

Back to the cover to deal out 7 cards each from the F3 workout deck. The game? Go Fish! It was technically wet enough to be like swimming like a fish! Rules were simple: If you get a matching pair, you Q both exercises on the cards. If the reps are given, complete as such. If no reps provided, complete exercise of number on the card plus 10. Hokie won, but there were no losers today!

Finish off with 5 Sunday Mornings behind NOMA

End with COT

Naked Man Moleskin: The rain didn’t actual start until 0615, but it never stopped after that for the duration of the beat down. Go Fish was a fun change, but we never drew the jokers, which were to be 20 Burpees for the temptation joker and dealers choice for leave no man behind joker. Maybe next time! Plenty of Q spots available across the board! Sign up and fulfill another Core Principle! Peer led!