YHC was out of town, far from town actually. While working 200 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico on a boat that was running from hurricanes, Catfish stepped up and took YHC’s scheduled Q. Upon reading his backblast, YHC felt motivated to bring something different and challenging. Spoiler alert, it included burpees.
5 shovel flags marked the spot where 19 Pax posted for a solid beat down. Disclaimer was given amidst mumble chatter emitting from the Pax.
Mosey to the parking lot toward Marconi, past the putt putt place for a warmup. All IC:
- SSH x 31
- Hillbilly’s x 20
- Abe Vigodas x 10
- GG x 10
- Bat wings
- FWD AC x 20, Seal Claps x 20, BWD AC x 20, OVH Claps x 20, Moroccan Night Club x 31
10 Burpees OYO
Mosey to the tool wall
- Calf Raises IC x 30
- Monkey Humpers IC x 30
10 Burpees OYO
Mosey to the nearby baseball diamond for the next evolution known as Sugar Cookies:
The goal here was to get the Pax wet, then dirty. Mission accomplished…
- Superman while kicking feet (AKA Aquaman) IC x 10 completed on the wet grass,
- Run to the red dirt baseball diamond, complete 10 hand release merkins OYO, followed by 10 Big Boi Situps
- Run back to the grass and plank and wait for the six.
- Rinse and Repeat x 3
10 Burpees OYO
Mosey to the football field next to the practice track. Here was where YHC ran into the first obstacle of the day. The field was closed and locked. Jumping the fence would not have been a good idea, so change of plans. Mosey to the inner field of the practice field. Quickly set up 10 yard increments using trash, branches, and hurdles. It worked…
From the Exicon: 1st and 10
- Start at 10 yard line. Complete 10 merkins and 1 Burpee. Sprint 90 yards, and mosey back to the 20 yard line. Complete 9 merkins and 2 Burpees (always 11). Sprint 80 yards and mosey back to the 30 yard line. Continue until reaching 1 merkin and 10 burpees.
Line up at approximately the 10 yard line in the tall wet grass for Never Surrender (AKA Genuflect):
- Hands behind head, elbows out. Down on right knee, then both knees, then stand up. Complete IC x 10
- Rinse and Repeat with Left leg first IC x 10
Mosey to the open area of the practice track for some Mary:
- Dying Cockroach IC x 30
- Freddie Mercury IC x 10
Mosey back to the Shovel Flags
COT with count off, name-o-rama, announcements, intentions and closed with a prayer to the Sky Q.
- YHC was gone for 26 days, and was blessed to have the Pax for support while gone.
- The warmup was interesting, we had a ball (wiffle ball size) being kicked among the Pax during the evolution. Some kicked better than others…..
- Jumping over the fence was never really an option. It was a thought, but not an option. Just another example of being prepared to expect the unexpected.
- The Sugar Cookies were a huge hit…….the grass was prime with morning dew.
- Thanks to Belloq for taking the second Never Surrender, and for Triple Shift and Thumb War for helping with Mary. YHC started losing his voice…
- Gabrielle hosted a mini work party to clean up the area around Cafe Du Monde. The Pax performed exceptionally well, but what else would one expect?
- Coffeteria was enjoyed by many at Cafe Navarre.
Thanks for allowing me to be part of such a great organization.