Gambling for Gains – from Baywatch
Gambling for Gains – from Baywatch

Gambling for Gains – from Baywatch

PAX:Baywatch, Fracsac, Heisenberg, PVC, Triple Shift, Vagabond

It was a glorious Sunday morning in City Park where 6 PAX gathered for a Vegas style game of chance with no fear of returning home broke (at least not monetarily). Tripleshift was so enthused he showed up one hour early! Apparently trying to outsmart your smart phone regarding daylight savings time is not such a smart idea.

With the clock striking 0630, we gathered on the museum steps for the warmup.

Imperial Walkers 20x
Mountain Climbers 15x
Arm Circles F/B 15x
Shoulder Taps 20x
Abe Vagodas 10x
Self Love OWN

The Thang

YHM came with a plan…a roll of the dice to decide our fate. A list of 12 exercises were written out on poster board. Each PAX took turns rolling the dice to see which one we would perform. After each exercise, we ran a lap around the museum and rolled again.

1. 8 Count Body Builders – 15x
2. Burpees – 25x
3. Merkins – 35x
4. Decline Merkins – 20x
5. Lunges – 30x
6. Dips – 40x
7. Box Jumps – 20x
8. Crab Walk – Around inside fountain
9. Bear Crawl – Around outer fountain curb
10. Squats – 50x
11. Step Ups – 100x
12. Deep Sea Divers – 3 merkins per step

Now, I know what you are thinking. And, yes, I admit there is a flaw in the list. 1 through 12?? How can you roll a 1? Well, you can’t as it turns out. As I told the PAX, I’m a lawyer not an accountant. However, like a good husband, I placed most of the blame on my M because she’s a doctor and allegedly smarter than me, but she didn’t catch this error either. Nonetheless, the great and mighty Vagabond did manage to roll a 1 by just rolling one dice so we were able to do some 8-count body builders after all. After getting through 6 rounds or so the clock was winding down.

So, we moseyed to the rear of the museum for 5 rounds of Sunday Mornings and then finished it out with a COT back at the flag.

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