Flap Jacking  – from King Kong
Flap Jacking – from King Kong

Flap Jacking – from King Kong

QIC:King Kong
PAX:Almonaster, Blowout, Jingle Vader, King Kong, SOGO, Will Gandy, Willie

Only 7 Pax showed up on this Sunday over the Memorial Day weekend. We had 15 Pax last weekend with Blowout’s Q. But no backblast on that record day.


Thang 1
Picked a partner – while a Pax was running to the stop sign and back, the other partner was doing curls. Flap Jack.

Then to Goblet Squats. Flap Jack.

Then to flutterkicks with bell. Flap Jack.

Then to Curls again. Flap Jack.

Then to alternate step ups with bell. Flap Jack.

Then to Helly Dollys with bell. Flap Jack.

Thang 2
Short walk to the overpass by the zoo entrance. With the same partner….

While one partner was wall sitting with the bell in a squat position, the other Pax lunge walked with the bell to the parking lot and back. Flap Jack.

Then while one partner was wall sitting with the bell over his head, the other Pax overhead carry walked to the parking lot and back. Flap Jack.

Then while one partner was wall sitting with the bell in forward arms extension position, the other Pax suitcase carried the bell to the parking lot and back. Flap Jack.

We rinsed and repeated Thang 2 with a shorter distance in the 2nd round.

Thang 3
We circled up and did the following:
1 – single hand snatches x 10 on each side on your own.
2 – Clean and Jerk x 10 on each side on your own.
3 – single arm kettlebell swings x 10 on each side on your own.

Finished it out with stretches.

Only 3 of us made it to coffeeteria. JV and I treated Sogo breakfast at Panola Cafe for his birthday few days ago.


King Kong