First Stomp of 2020
First Stomp of 2020

First Stomp of 2020

QIC:Rev Sox
PAX:Belloq, Tool, Rudy, Hawgcycle, Shuffles, Holy Grove, Dirty Dell, Breadsticks, Briefs, Screw Top, Frac Sac, Kuch, Tug Boat, Pai Gow, Tua, Sheetrock, Hobbs, Abacus, Quiche, Ya Mom'n Dem, Crazy Cat Guy

22 men came out in the darkened gloom to kick off 2020 with the 610 Stomp. No better way to start the year than a good run with your 22 best friends.

The Thang

YHC started with the basic disclaimer and gave the instructions for the morning run. Run out to the Wisner Bridge. Celebrate our run to the bridge with 10 celebration burpees. Run and back and forth over the bridge until the Q calls the time. Celebrate the end of the bridge runs with 10 more celebration burpees and run back to the flag.

Important lesson learned this morning: Don’t follow Shuffles. Shuffles will go the long way. Shuffles can run faster than you, so take the short way to arrive at the same time as Shuffles.

The Pax followed Shuffles the long way to the bridge and completed the 10 burpees at the base of the bridge. The pax proceeded to run back and forth over the 610 until YHC rounded everyone up to do 10 more burpees at 6:05. The pax ran back to the flag for the end.

The Conclusion

Count-off, Name-O-Rama, and one FNG. The Pax was off their game with name suggestions outside of Hawg who wanted to name the FNG something Canadian since the FNG was from Detroit. YHC went with Crazy Cat Guy. I hope he returns.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. May we all lead and push one another throughout 2020.