Figure 8s – from Thighs
Figure 8s – from Thighs

Figure 8s – from Thighs

PAX:Slinger, T-Square, Thighs

This Q we ran to the Levee and did our workouts at the amphitheatre and along the street lights.
We started the beat down with a warmup:

15x Jumping Jacks
7x Cherry Pickers
7x Windmills
10x Sun Gods (each arm)
7x Merkins
7x Mountain Climbers
7x Toe Touches
7x Tempo Merkins
7x Squats

Then we ran to the Amphitheatre to start the workout.

Using each set of stairs as a figure eight, we did:
20x Plank Toe Touches at the top of the stairs
10x Incline Merkins at the bottom of the stairs
20x Mountain Climbers at the top of the next set of stairs
10x Derkins at the bottom of that set of stairs
20x Plank Knee Touch at the top of the final set of stairs
Repeat 3 times

–Then, next round same round movements–

10x Hand Release Merkin
15x Bulgarin Split Squat (each side)
10x Diamond Merkins
30x Quick Feet
10x Spider Merkins
Repeat 3 times

Then we moved to the light poles.

We started the 44s workout:
11x Jump Ups
11x Hello Dollies
11x Bonny Blares
11x Pike Ups and reducing the reps by 1 at the start of new round.
We only got to round 7 before we had to head back.

We closed with a set of ab workouts.

We ended with the usual close out, sending us off with a prayer as the rain continued to come down.

Looking forward to next time!