F3 brothers and beyond – from Smooth Operator
F3 brothers and beyond – from Smooth Operator

F3 brothers and beyond – from Smooth Operator

QIC:Smooth Operator
PAX:Cardinal, Honeysuckle, Maneater

Stations of the cross ruck hybrid beatdown


3 fearless rucksters pulled up to the Colloseum ready for action. What they didn’t know was YHC had a little extra in store for the PAX.

Thang 1 Standard ruck to Cardinals house.

At approximately 5:16 the Pax embarked on the first leg of our journey traveling north on Audubon Ave. Talking about lighthearted thing such as YHC’s inability to decipher Popeyes old English coded Groupme message.

We made our way to St Thomas Aquinas for thang 2

Thang 2 Stations of the Cross

Not long ago YHC attended mass at STA and due to an unruly 2 year old spent the majority of the time walking the Stations of the Cross while holding a crying child. After making a couple laps, YHC mind began to wonder and was hit with a revelation. This would be a great place for a little shared suffering, and indeed it was.

The rules were do a genuflection at station one then increase to the end. The kicker was the mode of transportation would be bear crawls. YHC quickly learned that red pea gravel does not feel good on knees and hands. The PAX made it to station 7 and YHC switched it to squats and lunge walk for mode of transportation. At 11 YHC switched it to shoulder presses and farmer carry for travel due to our need to get back on with our ruck and back to the flag at an appropriate time. The Pax did great on this little change up of a thang and probably grew tired of YHC making excuses for the excursion.

Thang 3 the longer path

Once we recovered from thang 2 the PAX hit the road once again traveling east in front of the student union then south past the police station. From here we immediately jumped back on the walking path and high tailed it past the Did outfield fence recalling Nicholls baseball losing out on their chance to get to Omaha this weekend in heartbreak fashion. We made the turn around the llarge yellow post sticking up in the middle of our walking path (side note if anyone knows why that post is there please feel free The share with group. A reward may accompany your answer) and headed back to the flag. We made it back at 0605 hoping to see a smirk waiting for us there but alas it did not come into fruition.

We had COT , Intentions and instructions from Cardinal on the Eucharistic procession around Houma and Thibodaux tomorrow. Maneater prayed us out as we prayed for our F3 brothers and beyond. Thank to everyone for coming out and allowing YHC to lead.
Smooth Operator