Weather was perfect, high 60’s, low humidity lots of sunshine so PAX was out of its element
After quick disclaimer and kudos on how smashing everyone looked in their new F3 outfits mosey to knoll for…
WarmO Rama: Arm Circles 10x forward, 10x backward ; SSH’s, Abe Vigoda’s, Al Gores
The Thang: Starting at the SunDial: 10 verticle step ups each leg followed by 4.4 40 yard dash to next station for 10 BurpBees then 40 yd dash (sort of) to jungle gym for 5 pull ups followed by 40 yard walk. Then 10 merkins and on to Sundial to start all over. Rinse / repeat for 20 minutes and see how many circuits each pax did. Duracell drafted by Cincinatti. Twinkle Toes, YogaBear & NatureBoy go early. Pax was bored by dry track for the circuit so…. we found muddy hill for Lt Dans. Run backward up hill then increasing reps of squats and lunges at top. Mud was iterfering with our usually impeccable form so we modified to bear crawl to not get stuck.
Mary’s: 10 American Hammers, 10 Crunchy Frogs & 10 BB Sit Ups
COT: Count & Name O Rama along with update on & Prayers for Benjamin V