El Diablo: the Devil is in the Upper Chest and the burpees—of course – from Bolt
El Diablo: the Devil is in the Upper Chest and the burpees—of course – from Bolt

El Diablo: the Devil is in the Upper Chest and the burpees—of course – from Bolt

PAX:Bolt, Boo-Boo, Charmin, CyberCajun, Fast Tax, Fracsac, Hand Grenada, Hawgcycle, Hokie, Pillsbury, Scantron, Triple Shift, Vagabond, War Eagle, Champ, Ballou (sp?),

YHC finally arrived to Q toting 5 new exercises, 4 novel exercise implements, the Bolt 3M promise, 2 coupons, and 1 speaker. During the thick of it, the ever-astute Hawg picked up on the playlist theme and while I’m not 420-friendly, I’m not above culturally appropriating references of Goo Nation so I went with it. It should be duly noted Charmin was horrified and perplexed by the playlist (and secretly enjoying it, replete with his requisite guilt—of course) but I digress https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3EdFoz3pFUQxfJbvRL0WRa?si=4j7Qkg4ARpOg4CBZCB5VjQ

The devil is in the details because the new exercises all activate the rarely trained upper chest and the hope was we would feel the fire burning as if the devil himself was being expelled from the upper two thirds of our pecs; I’ll count on the pax to weigh in.

Warmorama: Rapper’s Delight Version (too long for this workout) complete with MNC for Frac, with penalty burpees for too much mumblechatter

The Thang: 5 burpees while pax one moseys to pavilion with two coupons in tow Indian Run style, tag/take off, 5 burpees for all others

Upper Chest
(6 moves, 1 min/move, feet elevated)

Pseudo Pike (hands at waist high)
Archer (thumbs at lower chest)
Plunge (wide grip, coupons as base)
Diamond merk (Incline, touch pinkies at top)
Pax 2&3 legs/abs and rotate at the table until each pax does the chest exercise; switch tables.
Round 1: squats/LBC
Round 2: reverse lunge/BBS
Round 3: side lunge/penguin
Round 4: squats/LBC
Round 5: step ups/crunchy frogs

We didn’t get to round 6 bc:
Too much bitchin’ about how long the new exercises took to explain—they r NEW!