Eh some cards, then coupons and stuff  – from Hogs Breath
EEhh ssoommee ccaarrddss,, tthheenn ccoouuppoonnss aanndd ssttuuffff   ffrroomm HHooggss BBrreeaatthh

Eh some cards, then coupons and stuff – from Hogs Breath

QIC:Hogs Breath
PAX:Pass Interference, Twinspan, Bumper

YHC arrived to the 007 to see Twinspan waiting already!

After planting the shovel flag, Pass Interference arrived.

So the three yuts began our warm up. Only to see Bumper pull up! We did some, good mornings, toe touches, ya know that kinda thang.

Then a good round of a Morning Motivator! (If ya know, ya know)

The the real fun began. We flipped over some cards. Partnered one pax would mosey from Shovel flag to Official Flag pole, and some type of cardio back (back-pedal, skip, side shuffle, etc) while the other began to do a “100” on the three cards. First cards drawn were Wogo squats, shoulder taps, and derkins.
YHC saw the humidity was beginning to affect our cardio, so an audible was made to do a coupon walk.
During the walk some mumble chatter was made about listening to satanic music; aka Twinspan’s mother thought AC/DC was ‘murderer music’! So we dropped the coupons and YHC tried to do a “Thunderstruck” waterfall beatdown, but alas no one could hear the tinny music from my pathetic phone speakers! YHC will bring this back!

So we finished with some Mary.

Fun was had by all! Completed with COT and Coffeteria.