Earth Day @ the A1C – from Einstein
EEaarrtthh DDaayy @@ tthhee AA11CC  ffrroomm EEiinnsstteeiinn

Earth Day @ the A1C – from Einstein

PAX:BBQ, Einstein, Jose10k, Mobydick, The Hammer, dog

…and the Q forgot to do some Al Gore’s

all 20xIC: Toe Touch, Side Straddle Hops, Shoulder Rolls, High Knees, Arm Circles,
Butt Kicks, Hi Jack Hi Jills, Imperial Walkers, Neck Rolls, Hillbillys

Thang: atop the Justice Center Parking Garage

First round- using the down ramp; a few burpees, then side shuffle down ramp, a few burpees, then back peddle up ramp, repeat with side shuffle facing opposite.

Second round: lunge-walk forward two parking spaces, lunge walk backward one parking space, traversing the whole upper deck

Third round: one squat with a 3 count up-down pulse at each parking space stripe, traversing the whole upper deck

for the pit-stop at the four corners we did:
20 hip rolls
20 bird wings (on your stomach with bird wing flap type motion)
20 reverse pushups (on your stomach bringing shoulder blades back in pinching type move)
20 crunchy frogs
20 atomic sit-ups
20 swimmers (on your stomach with breast stroke type motion)
20 left elbow to right knee sit-ups
20 right elbow to left knee sit-ups

last minute, Jose leads with leg lifts, then The Hammer with gas-pumps


The Hammer led us out with a prayer.

Thanks guys. Always good to start the day with my fellow galoots.