“Dual”-Ing Birthdays with Bogey & Hokie – from Hokie
“Dual”-Ing Birthdays with Bogey & Hokie – from Hokie

“Dual”-Ing Birthdays with Bogey & Hokie – from Hokie

Frac, Boo-boo, Slinger, Firefox, ShortBus, SOGO & Douille joined Bogey & me for our birthday party

Warm Up
12. ABE VIGODA for December
28 ARM CIRCLES 14 F & 14 B
68 Shoulder Taps 1 is 1 (for Bogey’s birth year 1968)
53 SSH OYO – 1 is 1 for Bogey’s age

Low, slow bear crawl to the arch

Cubbies for 28’s
Hand Release Merkins
Left leg Step ups
Right leg step ups

Mosey back to flag for 62.53’s
6 & 2 at the flag and 5 & 3 at the Arch

6 Hand Release Merkins &
2 burpees

5 jump squats &
3 T Merkins (2 is 1)

Rinse & Repeat

Handoff from Hokie to Bogey at the halfway point…

Mosey to stairs
1 incline Merkin on 1st step… 2 on 2nd … onto 7 at 7th (28 total)

Pause for 6 left pistol squats & 6 right leg pistol squats
28 Monkey Humpers
28 calf raises

Rinse & repeat 4 times up the stairs

5 burpees

Traverse down the stairs with 7 dips “dumpers” on 7th step, 6 on 6th… 1 on 1st (28)

Pause for 6 left pistol squats & 6 right leg pistol squats
28 Monkey Humpers
28 calf raises

Rinse & repeat 4 times down the stairs

9 burpees (1959)

Mosey to flag for Mary

LBC’s with pause at 53 and then continue to 62.

28 dying cock roach

Close with Wank Lazy Boys