DR + FNG FTW  – from Russo
DR + FNG FTW – from Russo

DR + FNG FTW – from Russo

PAX:Russo, Houston’s Einstein, Coachella

Oh Jose, you know not of what you speak. Up until around 5:28 today, you would have been right. After Thanksgiving…Cold-ish for mere mortals…some rumored Turkey day double postings. Who could blame anyone for fartsacking and leaving me sad clown. I knew I’d have to begin working off the extra pounds, so with Pelican resting up, I started slaloming the columns and doing some pilot house climbs.

The Pad has been decked out in its Christmas best sparkles and tinsel for a week or so, but today I spotted something new: an 8 foot tall light-up snowman on the stage (We have a stage). My mind immediately thought “Get a selfie with it, and post it saying something like ‘we had a downrange poster’”.

Alas, that was not needed, because out of the dark I see an F3 shirt. It was Houston’s Einstein. And he brought an FNG. The 4 leaf clover-type rarity: A downrange post with an FNG in tow. I love ya, HogsBreath, but that beats a semi-regular dirty ‘Dell post any day of the week.

Regardless, it was in the 40s as we went a little long because of the late start.

Warmups (IC 10x)
– SSHs
– Self love
– High knees
– Toe touches
– Imperial walkers
– Arm circles

Ye olde tried and true deck of death, using the bus stop and stage as changes of scenery:

Spades – urkins
Clubs – step ups
Diamonds – freak nastys
Hearts – gas pumps

Spades – Peter Parker’s
Clubs – shoulder tap plank jacks (2 is 1)
Diamonds – lunges (2 is 1)
Hearts – leg raises

Spades – Carolina drydocks
Clubs – Monkey Humpers
Diamonds – SMCs
Hearts – heels to heaven

No Mary to speak of, but we did finish with COT, NOR, and quick prayer. Welcome FNG Coachella (who is a Mandevillian), and word is Einstein will join us for Bird’s birdday party tomorrow.