It was a dark and stormy morning… Considering those conditions, and it being mid-week, YHC glad to see such a strong turn out of 11. To our good fortune, the rain broke (for a bit). A few PAX did their usual Pre-Thang mile run, then we circled up.
Warm Ups: Good Mornings, Toe Touches, Imperial Walkers, Hill Billies, Arm Circles.
The Thang:
Pax mosied over to the court house parking lot and did “Ascending Curb Crawls.” OYO, PAX Bear crawled to other side, turned & placed feet on curb and completed 1 derkin, crawled back and completed 2 derkins, and continued to 13. Moans and groans were heard almost immediately, and YHC took mental note as one of the PAX mentioned that on another occasion, the routine was done as “Descending” Curb Crawls, where merkins would decrease instead of increase.
Next PAX mosied over to the parking garage where we partnered up and completed a modified “Burp Back Mountain.” Partner 1 proceeded to run backwards 1/2 way up the garage ramp and sprint forward back down, while partner 2 performed burpees. Partners continue to flapjack until 50 (modified from 100) total burpees were completed.
Next PAX mosied to the front steps of the courthouse. OYO, PAX did merkins up the courthouse steps, did 5 Rocky Balboa’s at the top, and ran down the ramp around to the beginning. Pax Repeated 4 times changing the exercise up the steps each time. (1. Merkins, 2. Bunny Hops, 3. Squats, 4. Freak Nasties).
(Began to rain)
Next PAX did the “Burpee 1/2 Mile” (Modified from “Burpee Mile”). Total of 24 Burpees, 1/2 Mile. Pax did 6 Burpees, ran 1/4 mile x 2.
At this point, one of the PAX feeling a bit sluggish confessed his Oreo habit, and soon others admitted some of their own indulgences.
Finally, PAX mosied back to the flag to do some MARY under the pavillion out of the rain.
Count O Name O.
Shooter prayed us out.
Later in the day, YHC was glad to get a text from an F3 Brother giving some kudos on the beatdown, saying the combination of burpees and bear crawls made the work out brutal, but that he liked it. Glad to hear someone got their money’s worth and was challenged, as YHC is usually behind in the game.
Thanks Guys for letting me lead!