Dora’s little sister – from Kenna Brah
Dora’s little sister – from Kenna Brah

Dora’s little sister – from Kenna Brah

QIC:Kenna Brah
PAX:Kenna Brah, Space Cowboy

2 swarthy Pax arrived to impart acceleration by consistency. A word many PAX may not understand.

Taking hold of the Q reins, SC and KB trotted to the JPAS for a good time.
Warm ups:
Arm Circle Circuit
Imperial Walkers
Slow Vagodas
Moutnian Man Poopers

The Thang:
100 Merkins combined – then run around JPAS
200 BB Situps Combined – then run around JPAS
300 Squats Combined – then run around JPAS
400 Flutter Kicks 1/1 – then run around JPAS
Mosey to Flag