Dora The (Lonely) Coupon Explorer – from Steve
Dora The (Lonely) Coupon Explorer – from Steve

Dora The (Lonely) Coupon Explorer – from Steve


It was my own damn fault – I knew Russo was out this week, probably waiting in a long line for a $40 hot dog and working out the cost efficiency of those lightning lane passes, and yet still YHC failed to send out the bat signal to Chewy or Shooter or Bird or any other potential Granny pax.

I got there early to set up the coupons and knock out a few merkins, so when start time came and went, YHC had worked up enough of a sweat that the thought of returning to bed wasn’t as appealing. The blocks were already out, so might as well get some use out of them:

100 Overhead Presses (sets of 25, 4x)
200 Curls (sets of 40, 5x)
300 Chest Presses (sets of 50, 6x)

15x calf raises between sets, and sometimes a slalom the columns (when you’re solo, there’s a lot of cheating going on…). The lesson for me was clear – sure, I can do it alone once, maybe twice. But for a month? No. Eight years? No way, definitely need the men of F3 for that kind of accountability. I appreciate and am grateful for you fellas, whether you’re there or not!