Dora Mountain
Dora Mountain

Dora Mountain

PAX:Sandbar, Three-way, Cavalier, 86, Reluctant Yankee, Seaman, Duille, Walleye, Bad Moon, Bartman, El Wire, Jadeveon, Gabrielle, Whoop, Amnesty

After signing up to Q WPM over 2 months ago, the day had finally come…a very popular place to Q…

DISCLAIMER: Let’s mosey for a block and back to the lawn in front of the Tulane sign.


-SSH x 30 IC

-Arm Circles x 30 IC (15 ea. dir.)

-Mt Climbers x 20 IC

-J-Lo’s x 20 IC (aka Pickle Pounders)

Let’s mosey to the base of the Mountain.  Form two columns and Indian Run to the top.  At the top, it’s time for some Dora.  Partner up, one partner runs down the top incline and back while the other partner starts on 100 Crossfit Merkins for the team.  After the team completes the Crossfit Merkins, then 200 Imperial Squat Walkers, and 300 WWII sit-ups.  We almost finished the sit-ups but our time on the mountain was done.  Let’s mosey down and to the nicest grass in the city…if not the world, for  some Mary.


-Penguins x 20 IC

-Wife Pleasers x 20 IC (a strictly no-eye contact event…even though I could feel Seaman checking out the pax, DADT)

Mosey to the Virtual Flag to finish on time.  Don’t want to get chastised by RY….

Countoff, Namerama, Announcements, Shoutouts and a prayer.

Thanks for letting me lead Uptown, it was worth the wait.