YHC advised pax of lingering shoulder issue so we would be limiting about of shoulder work. Only problem was when 3 pax showed up late and CSX train came through.
Started with a light mosey around parking lot to field. Circled up for a few warm-up exercises. All were 15 IC.
- cotton pickers
- Moroccan Nightclub
YHC had pax pair up for a little Dora 1-2-3. 1 Pax exercised while other ran to end of field and back.
- 100 Big Boy Situps
- 200 Sumo Squats (no leg lift)
- 300 Imperial Walkers (counting only 1 leg)
10 burps were then completed for 1st late pax member. Then with same partner completed 2nd round of Dora. This time the run was only 1/2 the distance but run there forward, run back backwards.
- 100 Mountain Climbers
- 200 Supermans
- 300 Skaters (counting each leg)
Then Pax completed 2nd set of 10 burpees for late pax. We then moseyed to pavilion for 3rd round of burpees. Then mosey to Virtual Flag (Thanks Drone!!) for last set of burpees. We completed to w/o with 10 slow cotton pickers IC to stretch as well as various other stretches.
This morning YHC admitted that he has not been reading his bible lately. Looking at todays reading plan from church, I read part of what it was. It was John 3:16-17.
YHC ended all with continued prayer requests for OTC and family, continued healing in Lifo and PUD, travel protection for those that are traveling, for Toxic’s M, and others that were unspoken. We ended with prayer and a few went for 2nd F coffeteria at Panera.
Announcements – will check with Drone about serving next Friday, Barker Birthday Bash Thursday night, 2nd F lunch in January.
To those pax that are traveling be safe. We miss you. (Except Jumanji)