The Scramble had a great showing today of regulars.. There was also hopes of an FNG on this Gloom, however we will need to wait and see if he decides to eventually take the Redpill..With remembrance of Chewy from long ago post bringing out the HIT type of runs YHC incorporated some sprint action at the corner of Monroe/Massena.. PAX started with some 10IC Windmills, Toe Touches, Imperial walkers, Grass grabbers, High knees, Butt kicks and 10 OYO slow squats. Then 6 PAX ran out the standard route making 1 loop and then met up with our 2 Ruckers.. We split into 2 groups about 100yds apart group 1 held mission impossible while group 2 sprinted then yelled to release and assumed Al Gores R/R 4 rounds.. PAX then added some distance where we back pedaled then turned and sprinted added some more distance R/R. Added more distance for 2 rounds of 25, 50, 75 and 100%.. Ruckers returned to Rucking and runners completed another loop and returned.. Graciously Waterpik hung back with the ole sluggers as we headed back. Arrived right on time to close with count, announce and COT..
Appreciate the great show of support for my Q and until the next Gloom ππΌππΌβπΌ!!!