Did I say Frisburpee? – from Fast Tax
Did I say Frisburpee? – from Fast Tax

Did I say Frisburpee? – from Fast Tax

I could detect a hint (or was it a modicum) of disappointment in the air emanating from the 11 PAX assembled as YHC arrived to Q El Diablo this morning. Alas, what tragedy was responsible for this burgeoning discontentment? Apparently, it was seeing my hands bereft of any battle balls or Frisbee. It did not take YHC long to remember (or be reminded) that the workout description for today said “Battle Frisburpee Likely.” Not today – Sorry…

After disclaimer, we moseyed to the rock pile area for warmups consisting of:
• Grass Grabbers
• 5 Penalty burpees – Rudy renaming Q’s exercises
• 5 Penalty burpees – Rudy renaming Q’s exercises AGAIN
• Mountain Man Poopers
• Nancy Kerrigans – YHC was not the only one having trouble standing on one leg while sticking the other leg back and rotating both arms in circles…
• Hairy Rockettes

Following rock selection, we headed to the football field and lined up on the goal line for the first event, Colt 45s.
Colt 45s are basically a broken down curl (with rock) performed IC:
• 15 reps go from the bottom of the movement up to the halfway point (with your arms at a 90 degree angle and hands at elbow level).
• 15 reps go from the halfway point up to the top of the bicep curl (hands up near shoulder level).
• 15 reps start at the bottom of the movement and complete a full range of movement all the way up.

Red Barchetta was the next event, enhanced by the musical accompaniment of Rush’s 1981 hit – Red Barchetta. PAX line up on the goal line and perform the following sequence OYO no resting:
• 10 O/H Press; 100 yard dash, 100 SSH, run back to goal line
• 10 O/H Press; 75 yard dash, 75 mountain climbers (2 is 1 of course), run back to goal line
• 10 O/H Press; 50 yard dash, 50 LBCs, run back to goal line
• 10 O/H Press; 25 yard dash, 25 merkins, run back to goal line
• 10 O/H Press; 10 yard dash, 10 Burpees, run back to goal line

After a 30 second breather, it was time for Captain Thor, a 1:4 ratio of BBS to American Hammer, performed OYO, increasing by 1:4 each rep, typically 10 reps. Noting the lack of gasps and groans halfway through, YHC thought we could use a couple more reps…so let’s make it 12. For those who don’t want to do the math, the last rep was 12 BBS & 48 Amer. Hammers for a total effort of 78 BBS and 312 Amer. Hammers.

Digging deep into his repertoire of exercises for something interesting and entertaining, YHC selected Vertigos.
PAX run to the 50 yd line but with each step you rotate so that you are always spinning as you move forward (clockwise or counter-clockwise, your choice). On reaching the 50 yd line, and letting the dizziness subside, we performed 10 absolutions and ran Vertigos back to the goal line.

With a few minutes to spare, we paused our mosey back to the rock pile for 5 Welsh Dragons.

Then it was back to the flag for count off, name-a-rama, announcements, and prayers.
Happy Birthday to @Belloq

Followed by Coffeteria at PJs.

Thanks for the fellowship!