Delightfully Painful at Lake Town – from Fracsac
Delightfully Painful at Lake Town – from Fracsac

Delightfully Painful at Lake Town – from Fracsac

PAX:Belloq, Fracsac, Hokie, Stiletto

4 Pax made a choice to take the DRP on their journey to get right and posted in the far west reaches of the region, aka Kennah. With a shovel flag planted, disclaimer was given, then:

Warmup by starting a 1/2 mile mosey around the boat launch area and circle up near the stairs at the levee for:

Motivator – It’s a descending gruesome broken down form of SSH’s that’ll make your calves scream but really gets the blood flowing! Follow up with:

Bat wings x 15 each ending with Moroccan night club x 31

Triple Nickel:

5 SSH on one side of levee, run up and over for 5 burpees. Always facing south, so Bernie Sanders back up x 5 evolutions.

Mosey back to main parking lot near flag for some exercises and sprints:

Round 1: Incline Merkins x 10, sprint across lot, Bobby Hurley x 10, sprint back

Round 2: Derkins x 10, sprint across lot, Monkey Humpers x 10, sprint back

Mosey to the point to make use of the pier:


At each covered area of the pier, do the following IC

Burpees x 5, then mosey to next covered area

flutter kicks with arms Overhead (still an O) x 10, then mosey

Merkins x 15, then mosey

Big boi sit-ups x 20, then mosey

SSH x 25, then mosey


8 count body builders IC x 10

Mosey back to flag after 2 miles completed for a little Mary

Tin Snips
Crunchy frog


• Glad to see Belloq make the trek all the way out and take some great photos. He’s the best photographer in all of F3 Nation!
•. Help us to grow the Kennah AO at Lake Town, spread the word!