DEFCON: Battle Ready for Spiritual Warfare
DEFCON: Battle Ready for Spiritual Warfare

DEFCON: Battle Ready for Spiritual Warfare

PAX:Akbar, Barely Legal, BBQ, Bird, Bushwacker, Hammer, Jose 10k, Maverick, Moby Dick, Pickaxe, Russo, Steve, Tanked Up, Turbo Tax, Waterpik

Many of you know I lost my job in September and went through some spiritual warfare for a couple of months. I did a devotion called DEFCON that helped me through, and vowed to share it when I got a job (offer came in last week and I start Dec 21). Feel free to share with others if you know of anyone who is struggling.

YHC arrived 15 minutes early to a rainy gloom thinking of the 3rd core principle of F3: All workouts are held outdoors, rain or shine. A lonesome Russo was hanging by the flag, and soon the pre-thang group arrived. Some mumblechatter ensued, and more pax walked out of the shadows.

6:30 – Couple of comments from the PAX about my laminated Wiki (preparedness), and we circled up ready to begin. In the distance, a tall limping figure emerged with a short toe-head sidekick, and @the-hammer and Pickaxe joined us. Although literally he was a little less of a man this morning, he was much more of a man for posting the day after surgery.

Great to see @maverick back in action. Missed @shooter today, but you get a hall pass on the fartsack, Friday’s lead at the A1C looked brutal!


We as men need to be ready to fight our personal and spiritual battles of the world because we fight a war every day. We went through each DEFCON stage and code name, with a thought on how we can apply defense readiness daily in our lives – and a beatdown to follow each stage


  • Low state of readiness, everyone is at peace
  • Romans 12: 9-21Love those who persecute you – respond in love and kindness to others no matter what.  And let God handle the vengeance”.

Pledge of Allegiance. x10 IC: SSH, torso twist, self-love, imperial walkers, hillbillies


  • Increased security measures, God steps in to protect
  • Exodus 14: 13 Moses said to the Israelites: Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you only need to be still

SLOW x10 IC  Dirkin, Freak Nasty, Irkin, Diamond Irkin, Wirkin, Diamond Dirkin

@bushwacker pointed out we were on the lowest point of the seawall, which I was happy about after this round.


  • Elevation in Readiness:  people are being alerted, preparation is key
  • 2 Timothy 4:2   Preach the Word, be prepared in and out of season: correct, rebuke, encourage – with great patience and careful instruction

Stone Mountain x20 IC; Albatross Wings: arms up the whole time, each exercise x20 IC – The Randy, Arm Circles (front/back), Chinooks (overhead, reverse), seal claps, overhead claps, cherry pickers, front raise, side raise, Moraccan night clubs, overhead press, Albatross Wings(flaps), 45 degree front hold


  • Ready for Battle – put on the Armor of God
  • Ephesians 6: 10-18Be strong in the Lord and his mighty power. Put on the Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Shoes of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the spirit 

x20  Dirkin, Freak Nasty, Irkin, Freak Nasty, Wirkin, Diamond Dirkin


  • Sound the Alarm. We go to war. We do not fight alone, but with a heavenly warrior to help us defeat the beast.  
  • Revelations 19: 11-16 – A warrior riding on a white horse called Faithful and True. He wages war with justice, eyes of blazing fire, many crowns upon his head, robe dripped in blood. Followed by the armies of heaven on white horses, dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Ruling with an iron scepter. On his robe and his thigh he  has his name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS

Pistol Squat x10 each leg, OYO. Where is @zoolander when you need him? Modification: Freak Nasty position on the wall, 1 legged squats

x10 OYO WW2 Squat Jump, Box jumps, Squat Jumps, Apollo Ohno

Ohno, YHC was doing the exercise wrong as @bushwacker pointed out, and Akbar may have created yet another exercise – the squat walk shuffle?

x 20 Twinkle Toes, Monkey Humpers

And ALL that took only 30 minutes – time for YHC to modify, because it was necessary. Burpee Apocalypse mosey to the flag:  Descending burpees 11, 10, 9, etc to 1

Wall:  All in Dirkin position x10 IC Peter Parker, side plank lift, Mountain Climbers

Whole Lot of Mary x 10-20   Sweat Angels (dolly  with arms), Rosalita, Leg raise, Freddy Mercury, Crunchy Frogs, Hands to Heals, Heals to Heaven, LBC, Little Manny Crunch, Wife Pleasers, E2k (each knee), Big Boi situps, WW1 Situps, 100’s


COT  YHC prayed us out with thoughts of thankfulness, accountability, and friendships.


  • Hogsbreath Louisiana VQ Monday at the Marsh
  • F2 this Thursday, Lakefront gazebo 6pm (Steve)
  • Akbar 50th birthday celebration next Saturday
  • FIA has started
  • Krazy Ivan coming up early Feb
  • BBQ’s wife is cooking breakfast after the New Year’s Day beatdown at the A1C – sign up to get the breakfast!

Coffeeteria: Great to see @the-manny at coffee after his Mary tribute

Thanks for your prayers and support during this difficult time for YHC, and for letting me lead,

SYITG – Akbar


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