Deck of Death Part IV: A New Hope  – from Russo
Deck of Death Part IV: A New Hope – from Russo

Deck of Death Part IV: A New Hope – from Russo

36 degrees greeted a Pax of 6 at Granny’s for the return of the deck of death: version 2022.1. This upgrade featured the “Animal activity pack”, with crowd favorites Monkey Humpers (you’re welcome Hogs Breath), Crab Cakes (just for you Jose!), Donkey Kicks, and Crunchy Frogs.

Warmup (all IC, varying reps, like a locker combination: to your RIGHT!)

-Seal jacks
-Cherry pickers
-Imperial walkers
-Grass grabbers
-Self love
-High knees


Bench work with 20 freak nastys and 20 step ups, followed by 10 of both, and then 5 more.

After a quick mosey, Pax knocked out the Deck of Death (exercise and count based on value and suit of the card turned over from a standard deck of playing cards). YHC likes to split the deck into 4 groups to vary up the exercises, with some moseying before, during, and after.

Hearts – Monkey Humpers, Jump squats, SMCs, Nut Crackers
Diamonds – Diamond Merkins, Merkins, Peter Parkers, Shoulder Tap Merkins
Clubs – LBCs, Leg Raises, Crunchy Frogs, American Hammers
Spades – Crab Cakes, Donkey Kicks, Gas Pumps, Angels in the Outfield

With about 5 minutes left, Pax completed some calf raises up the pilot house, 2 each step, a minute of plank, and a final 10 merkins.

COT, Name-o-Rama, announcements, and prayer closed us out.

Note the Crazy Ivan is coming up on 2/3 and HogsBreath and Pass interference are working on a Slidell AO. Keep checking Slack for more info.

Thank you all again for joining, letting me lead you all. As always, really enjoyed the mumble chatter.

And finally, the vote count, subject to independent verification next week, was 11 A’s and 7 T’s. And in case you’re wondering, I vote T.