Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today To get through this thing called life Electric word life, it means forever and that’s a mighty long time But I’m here to tell you, there’s something else The afterworld, a world of never ending happiness You can always see the sun, day or night So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills You know the one, Dr. Everything’ll Be Alright Instead of asking him how much of your time is left? Ask him how much of your mind, baby ‘Cause in this life things are much harder than in the afterworld This life you’re on your own And if de-elevator tries to bring you down Go crazy, punch a higher floor – from Jose10k
DDeeaarrllyy bbeelloovveedd,, wwee hhaavvee ggaatthheerreedd hheerree ttooddaayy TToo ggeett tthhrroouugghh tthhiiss tthhiinngg ccaalllleedd lliiffee EElleeccttrriicc wwoorrdd lliiffee,, iitt mmeeaannss ffoorreevveerr aanndd tthhaattss aa mmiigghhttyy lloonngg ttiimmee BBuutt IImm hheerree ttoo tteellll yyoouu,, tthheerreess ssoommeetthhiinngg eellssee TThhee aafftteerrwwoorrlldd,, aa wwoorrlldd ooff nneevveerr eennddiinngg hhaappppiinneessss YYoouu ccaann aallwwaayyss sseeee tthhee ssuunn,, ddaayy oorr nniigghhtt SSoo wwhheenn yyoouu ccaallll uupp tthhaatt sshhrriinnkk iinn BBeevveerrllyy HHiillllss YYoouu kknnooww tthhee oonnee,, DDrr.. EEvveerryytthhiinnggllll BBee AAllrriigghhtt IInnsstteeaadd ooff aasskkiinngg hhiimm hhooww mmuucchh ooff yyoouurr ttiimmee iiss lleefftt?? AAsskk hhiimm hhooww mmuucchh ooff yyoouurr mmiinndd,, bbaabbyy CCaauussee iinn tthhiiss lliiffee tthhiinnggss aarree mmuucchh hhaarrddeerr tthhaann iinn tthhee aafftteerrwwoorrlldd TThhiiss lliiffee yyoouurree oonn yyoouurr oowwnn AAnndd iiff ddee--eelleevvaattoorr ttrriieess ttoo bbrriinngg yyoouu ddoowwnn GGoo ccrraazzyy,, ppuunncchh aa hhiigghheerr fflloooorr  ffrroomm JJoossee1100kk

Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today To get through this thing called life Electric word life, it means forever and that’s a mighty long time But I’m here to tell you, there’s something else The afterworld, a world of never ending happiness You can always see the sun, day or night So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills You know the one, Dr. Everything’ll Be Alright Instead of asking him how much of your time is left? Ask him how much of your mind, baby ‘Cause in this life things are much harder than in the afterworld This life you’re on your own And if de-elevator tries to bring you down Go crazy, punch a higher floor – from Jose10k

PAX:BBQ, Fletch, Hogs Breath, Jose10k, Mobydick, The Hammer, Turbodog

I showed up early to put a mile in for RCR, which I always listen to music. Our resident pop culture expert, Hammer, inquired what I was listening to. I told him Prince’s Let’s go crazy. To which he just belted out the lyrics as if he wrote them. Most impressive.
Warm-ups: ssh, grass grabbers, torso twists, cherry pickers all in cadence
The thang: Mosey to the courthouse for some 11’s. Merkins and jump squats with running the length and up the courthouse steps. Once finished, on lap around the courthouse, then a quick trip to the rock garden. Picked up a good rock for some curls for the girls, rows for the bros, and overhead presses (all in cadence). Back to the A1C for round robin core. Hammer prayed us out. As always, thanks for letting me lead. Still waiting for cowbell to show up on Friday, maybe even Q.