DAT DAWG – from Paradox
DAT DAWG – from Paradox

DAT DAWG – from Paradox

PAX:Enron, Goose, Yankee Jeaux, Smooth, French Horn, Paradiddle

7 dawgs at the stage today on a relatively cool May morning.

We had a smooth purebred Pit always ready to roll. A local German shepherd with a huge litter of puppies brought in the coups. A young French bulldog living the summer lyfe and looking for a fight. An aged and scholarly golden retriever who can still retrieve after he gets his paws stretched. A north La bred bull mastiff who showed up purely for raw steak and Merkins. Rounded out by a greyhound who ran all the way from his kennel in Bourg. A variety of breeds from far and wide but today they were all looking to be Dat Dawg ….

Duke! stop trying to recreate sweat stains and get the footage!!

YHC recently saw F3 Nola’s Hawgcycle (still a mystery how to pronounce this) post that his daughter would be following in his shoeless footsteps and raising money for the Special Olympics by running 1 mile a day for 2023. If you had asked a 12 year old YHC to run a single mile I would have had a hard time penciling you in my booked schedule of Cheetos and GoldenEye so I was floored by this effort and knew we had to rally our bayou pax to support.

Thus DAT DAWG was born …


The usuals with some extra reps after an intense Diddle VQ yesterday.

Like any veteran Dawg, ole Jeaux could smell the intensity in the air. A prolonged warmup , a call for BAPS, surrounded by Dox cones. I could see him working through his Rolodex of fartsack excuses but it was too late .

We grabbed coupons and headed to the Junkyard.

YHC explained todays cause and that we would pledge $ for each lap completed.

YHC then took the pax through a tour of the rough 1/2 mile long obstacle course:

10 coupon curls , run to next cone
10 big boys Nur to next cone
10 merkins bearcrawl the pylon thingys and then roughly 60 yard stretch then more pylons. If a car passes you gotta bark (Merkin) . 10 more merkins on the other side. Run to stage.
10 box jumps and karaoke to bumper
1 suicide then sprint to junkyard
10 burpees then mark your territory (chalk )

Format: Most Laps complete OR the pax in the lead at the end of 30 minutes would be declared ..



-Merkins , bearcrawl , merkins continues to be a recipe for success and YJ had such an accurate bark impression I had to double check it wasn’t an actual wild dog.
-Horn broke another Coupon and is 1 away from joining TreeRoot in the bayou. RIP
-Several pax pushing the limit of cardio exertion , it was beautiful.
-BAPs brought the absolute thunder.
-Ole hC Tana got caught in a late Pickle fartsack and one hateth to lay eyes on such a thing.

When the dust settled at 5:59 to no one’s surprise Goose was charging up 4.5 laps with Ronnie close on his heels.
Both displaying beastly inner DAWG.

YHC called it and presented Goose with the first DAT DAWG chain. (Must see pics)

It will serve as our “break in case of charitable event “ trophy. If the chips are down or a worthy cause is in need then you can call on DAT DAWG for fast support.

In all we completed 26 laps of DAT DAWG as a PAX and raised a nice chunk for an excellent cause.

COT and dat ole dawg Yankee Jeaux prayed us out.

An honor to lead this pack of Dawgs today .

