D-Day 80th Anniversary Workout – from Squints
D-Day 80th Anniversary Workout – from Squints

D-Day 80th Anniversary Workout – from Squints


**The Warmup:**
We started with a quick mosey around the Mardi Gras fountain, ending up on the grassy knoll for some good ol’ fashioned warmups:
– Side Straddle Hops x 20 (because who doesn’t love hopping?)
– Grass Grabbers x 10 (because the grass isn’t going to grab itself)
– Abe Vigodas x 10 (slow and steady, just like Abe)
– Imperial Walkers x 15 (marching to the beat of our own drum)
– Mountain Climbers x 15 (pretending we’re scaling Everest)
– Forward Arm Circles x 15 (windmills of glory)
– Backward Arm Circles x 15 (because why not reverse the wind?)
– Seal Claps x 15 (clapping like happy seals)

**Tabata Timed at the House of Pain:**
Next, we moseyed over to the House of Pain for a Tabata-style strength workout. It was 3 sets of 45-second intervals with 15 seconds of rest for each:
– Pull Ups (pulling up all the courage)
– Derkins (decline merkins for decline fun)
– Dips (dipping into greatness)
– Resting Chair with Air Press (sitting but still working)

**Back to the Mardi Gras Fountain:**
We headed back to the fountain where we (almost) completed 2 rounds of:

– **D-Day Combo:** 2 merkins, half barrel roll into 2 jump squats, reverse half barrel roll and repeat starting with merkins (rolling and jumping our way to freedom)
– **War Hammer:** WW2 sit-up with 4 American Hammers (double the pain, double the fun)
– **J-Lo’s:** because we’re still Jenny from the block
– **Nolan Ryan’s:** punching out the calories
– **High Knees on the Ladders:** with a lap around the fountain (high stepping like pros)
– **Step Ups:** stepping up our game
-**All timed by a climb up the levee with a 50 lbs. slam ball and 5 overhead slams on top (because why not add a mountain to our molehill?)

Moseyed back to the flag for COT: Name-A-Rama and a moment of silence to appreciate those men who paid the ultimate sacrifice on this day 80 years ago. May we live out today and every day as HIMs—not just for ourselves and our families, but for those men who never got that chance.

Thank you for a great first Q this morning, HIMs!

– Squints