

PAX:Bad Moon, Chowda, Jingle Vader, YSR, Pony Boy, Quarter Pipe, Peppa, Douille, Reluctant Yankee, 86, Frac Sac, Landing Strip, Gabrielle, Brown Bag

At 05:30 YHC gave the disclaimer and we were off. A quick mosey over to Touchdown Jesus for the warmup:

SSH x 51 IC

Mosey to WPM for an Indian Run to the top. Quick round of Mary:

LBC’s x 51 IC

Mosey down one level to the base of the ramp for everyone’s favorite… Bearpees!! That’s right. Work your way back up the ramp via bear crawls and Burpees. 4 count bear crawl followed by 1 burpee, then 8 count bear crawl followed by 2 burpees…. finishing w 40/10. Plank for the six at the top. Not much mumblechattet during this smoke fest.

We took a breather w some Mary:

Hello Dolly, Dying Cockroach, LBT, Real Freddie x 21 IC

Mosey down the stairs to the benches: Dips, LLSU, Incline Merkins, RLSU x 15 IC

Mosey  back to TD Jesus for Low Slow Squats x 25

Back to the flag for plankorama and 10 Burpees to seal the deal.

COT w shoutout by YHC.

T Claps to the pax for sucking it up!

Remember to sign up for your chance to Q at this fine AO.

Let me know if I missed any pax above. A little foggy post workout. Thanks RY for the recap.

Good Times!
