Co-Q:  Silver Hair & Bama Boi – from Vagabond
Co-Q: Silver Hair & Bama Boi – from Vagabond

Co-Q: Silver Hair & Bama Boi – from Vagabond

PAX:Ditka, E Major

Vagabond recruited War Eagle to share the Q at T – 12 hours and picked him up to make sure he’d show

Entire beat down on great lawn

Typical warmup routine 10 mins

3 Man Tag Team (runner was timer)
-end field: burpees Pax 1
-bear crawl zone/run Pax 2
-end field: prisoner kneel Pax 3
-run/bear crawl zone

Merkin suicides x10 palm trees

Pax Choice 100 of something
-100 sit-ups
-100 shoulder taps

Ring of Fire
-Al Gore
-Bonnie Blair

Bear crawl tag – 3 rounds (I think)

10 burpees + 10 8Counts