Citius – Altius – Fortius at Mothership – from Triple Shift
Citius – Altius – Fortius at Mothership – from Triple Shift

Citius – Altius – Fortius at Mothership – from Triple Shift

QIC:Triple Shift
PAX:Ballast, Catfish, Chips, Fracsac, Heisenberg, Hokie, Pinewood, Revit, Squints, Tool, Triple Shift, Vagabond, Colonel Mustard, Matchbox (FNG)

Growing up, the Summer Olympics were a huge deal on television, especially before cable, the internet, and streaming services. The world was watching because there wasn’t that much to watch. To see world class athletes gather to perform on a global stage every four years is a sight to see. Most of them were ‘amateur – unpaid’ professionals looking to secure some financial security with a sports apparel company or another type of sponsorship while they consistently trained in anonymity. What I love the most are the underdogs who were never supposed to win, let alone on the greatest sports stage ever. Check out the most improbable wins at the Summer Olympics.

With the 2024 Summer Olympics opening night on Friday, I was inspired to provide a workout that would give tribute to the Olympic motto of Citius -Altius -Fortius or faster higher, stronger.

Mosey to the Peristyle to start the warmup in a mostly low slow cadence. 10 low slow squats, 10 low slow merkins, 10 arm circles (forward and backward), 10 x IC slow peter parkers, 10 x IC slow shoulder taps, 10 x IC slow parker peters, 10 x slow Floyd Mayweathers, 10 IC x Lunge around the clock, 15 IC x Imperial Walkers, and finished up with 31 x IC SSH.
Now that we are sufficiently warmed up, we mosey to pickup the rocks from behind the fountain and head to the front of the great lawn.

Perform 30 squats with rock, 25 LBC with rock, 20 no cheat merkins, 15 lunge walk with rock (2 is 1), and 10 blockees (burpee with rock over head press) then run a lap around the great lawn with is 400 yards for 2 rounds and pickup the six (thanks Catfish and Heisenberg).
Bring the rocks back and head to the Peristyle for column sit with 20 IC air presses. Onto our six and perform 20 IC x flutter kicks and then cool down with some stretching.

Welcome FNG Matchbox by way of Squints! Prayers for the F3NOLA crew heading to the Wild West Relay this week and for those who are needing purpose. Lord, help us to be the difference makers in our homes and our communities. Thank you for the honor of leading!